Two Basic Biblical Principles That Guarantees A Productive Life
- Posted by: Oluwatosin Adeola
- Category: kasom

I can guarantee this truth: A single grain of wheat doesn’t produce anything unless it is planted in the ground and dies. If it dies, it will produce a lot of grain. (Joh 12:24 GW)
God expects you to live a highly productive life. You existed to fulfill God’s command to Adam, which is – “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. (Gen. 1:28). A productive life is only achievable when you are living according to divine standard.
In John 12:24, two major ways were outlined for achieving a productive life. A grain of wheat referred to herein actually symbolizes the life of a man. Jesus said “a grain of wheat must be planted and die to produce lots of grains”. What Jesus was saying in essence is this; for a man or woman to produce results that will please the creator, he/she must be planted and die willfully. How do we understand planting and dying that makes for a productive life?
#1. You need to be planted in your God-given vision. I like you to understand that seeds don’t thrive on just any ground. It has to be a suitable ground surrounded by every suitable atmospheric conditions. You can’t produce results for God unless you are planted in His purpose for your life. The vision of God for your life is the most suitable ground and environment for your life to produce effectively.
It is not enough to know what God has destined or ordained you to be and do. You must be planted in it. 1Corinthians 15:58 [ISV] says “Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, unmovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that the work that you do for the Lord isn’t wasted”. For every seed to thrive and become fruitful, it must be committed to the ground. You must be committed to God’s plans and purpose for your life till the end if you will enjoy fruitfulness.
Keep your focus on your God-given vision and pursue it with all the strength within you. Just like a fish does not have any life outside water, no man has any meaningful or impactful life outside the purpose of God. A grain of wheat will not struggle to produce if planted in the right place. So also, you will live a struggle-free life if you will stay in the place God has ordained for you.
#2 Your readiness to die will determine the magnitude of your productivity. It is not enough for a grain of wheat to be planted; it must be ready to die for it to produce massively. So also, a mere commitment to the purpose of God for your life will not guarantee massive result until you are ready to die.
The death Jesus talked about in John 12:24 is not a physical death, but a life of sacrifice. It means pursuing your God-given vision according to divine standards. This kind of life means you are dead to all of your selfish ambitions and gains. A sacrificial life does not allow you to please yourself. It does not even allow you to defend your personal interest. Everything is done to please God. This is where most people miss the mark and fail in life because an average man wants to please himself.
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:4 KJV)
A dead man does not have any ambition, neither interest. He stays where he is being positioned. To produce results that will draw many people to God’s kingdom, you must be dead to all selfish pursuits and put God at the center of your pursuit. You must allow God through His Spirit to direct you to wherever He wants you to be.
God will use you mightily, if you are planted in His purpose for your life and living a life of sacrifice. You are created for God’s pleasure (Rev 4:11); therefore I challenge you to start giving God pleasure and see how high He will raise you and many lives will be raised with you.
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