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Membership Levels

Welcome to Kingdom Ambassador School of Ministry. We love to have you join us by becoming a member.

We have three membership tiers which comes with different benefits and they are all free. To join any membership level you must have met the various criteria set under the qualifications for each level. All membership levels are achievable. Welcome to our team.

Membership plans

Basic level Member (Student)

Courses included: unlim

By becoming a basic member, you will enjoy the following benefits;

* Unlimited access to all our courses

* Access to create and reply posts in our forum

* Access to e-books

* Automatic subscription to our mailing list


**Anyone can be a member at this level**

Intermediate level Member (Coordinator)

Courses included: unlim

Receive all the Basic membership benefits plus;

*  Become a forum moderator

*  Become a group leader with access to course bundles to equip your group



**  At least a completion of a Diploma course

**  Completion of some special courses

**  Completion of some special courses

**  Submission of your salvation testimony

**  Letter of attestation on your walk with God from a man of God

You can only become a member by submitting a request form through the link below;

Apply Now

Advanced Level Members (Content Creators & Instructors)

Courses included: unlim

Enjoy all Basic and intermediate members privilege, plus;

**  Become a co-instructor

**  Become a content creator for our courses, blog, tracts and newsletters

**  Opportunity to qualify as a paid staff when possible

**  And more



** You must have been a Coordinator (Intermediate level Member for 3 months with outstanding performance)

**  At least a completion of an Advanced Diploma course

**  Completion of some special courses

**  Submission of your salvation testimony

**  Letter of attestation on your walk with God from a man of God

**  Record of past works (books, video, writeups or ordination)

**  Ability to create media contents or have someone create it for you

**  Identity verification through phone call or physical visit where possible.