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Should Christians Tithe? Rethinking Giving in the New Covenant

Forums Kingdom Service (Giving, administration, helps, Talents and gifts, etc.) Should Christians Tithe? Rethinking Giving in the New Covenant

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    • #7847
      Tosin Adeola

        Advanced Level Members (Content Creators & Instructors)

        As believers in the New Testament era, the topic of tithing can be a complex and often misunderstood aspect of our Christian faith. On one hand, we have the strong biblical precedent of tithing established in the Old Testament, where God’s people were commanded to give a tenth of their income to support the Levitical priesthood and the work of the temple. On the other hand, the New Testament seems to present a different perspective on giving, emphasizing grace-based generosity rather than a strict legalistic requirement.

        So, what is the biblical perspective on tithing for the New Testament believer? And how should this understanding shape our approach to financial stewardship and kingdom-oriented giving?

        Grace-Motivated Giving

        In the New Testament, we see a shift away from the rigid, law-based tithing system of the Old Testament. Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of the heart attitude over strict adherence to the letter of the law (Matthew 23:23). The apostle Paul further develops this theme, encouraging the believers in Corinth to “give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

        This emphasis on grace-motivated giving suggests that the New Covenant is not about compulsory tithing, but about a heart that is truly generous and willing to support the work of God’s kingdom. As we reflect on the boundless grace and love we have received in Christ, we are compelled to respond with grateful and joyful giving.

        Work-Motivated Giving

        While the New Testament does not mandate a specific tithing requirement, it does encourage believers to be diligent in their work and to give generously from the fruit of their labor. The apostle Paul instructs the Ephesian believers to “work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need” (Ephesians 4:28).

        This principle of work-motivated giving suggests that our financial resources should not be hoarded, but rather leveraged to support the needs of the church, the poor, and the advancement of the gospel. As we honor God through our faithful work and wise stewardship, we are equipped to be a blessing to others and to contribute to the expansion of His kingdom.

        The Call to Generous Giving

        In the end, the New Testament call to giving is not about strict adherence to a tithing law, but about a heart that is motivated by grace and empowered by diligent work. As we reflect on the boundless generosity of our Heavenly Father, who gave us His only Son, we are compelled to respond with grateful and sacrificial giving.

        So, dear brothers and sisters, how is God calling you to honor Him through your financial stewardship and kingdom-oriented giving? We invite you to share your thoughts, insights, and personal experiences in the comments section below.

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    Forums Kingdom Service (Giving, administration, helps, Talents and gifts, etc.) Should Christians Tithe? Rethinking Giving in the New Covenant