1Pre-course Instructions (important)
Read this before going on
2Student’s Expectation form (important)
3First things first
Do you really want to have real fame? If your answer is yes, then you need to get acquainted with God’s thought about fame. lets dive into it
4Introduce yourself in the forum
Fundamentals of fame
5Section 2 Introduction
6The true meaning of fame
Fame has been misunderstood by many people over the years and it’s time to put it right. So, lets talk about what fame is.
7Why fame is very important
If you understand the benefits attached to being famous, you will have every reason to go for it. Being famous comes with great benefits that outweighs the disadvantages.
8Quiz 1
How to gain fame
9Section 3 Introduction
Fame is attainable by anyone if they follow the right path. This right and proven path is what I will be revealing to you in this section.
There is a downloadable pdf under this lecture that contains the transcript of this section. Please download for more understanding
10Define who you are
If you want to experience fame, the first thing to do is to define who you are. If you don’t know who you are, you cannot experience a lasting fame.
11Distinguish your fruit
What will attract people to you, is your fruit and your fruit is a product of who you are.
12Identify your audience
Your fame comes from those whose problem you are helping to solve. And they form your audience. Please note that you are not created to solve every problem. You are not gifted to help everyone.
13Connect with your audience
Your fame resides with your audience. The more they know and accept you, the more famous you will be. So how do you connect with them...?
14Be patient and consistent
One of the benefits of consistency is that it increases competence. The more consistent you are, the better you can deliver on your fruit.
15Quiz 2
How to sustain fame
16Section 4 Introduction
Sustaining fame is as Important as gaining it. There is a downloadable pdf under this lecture that contains the transcript of this section. Please download for more understanding
17Maintain your lane
You need to maintain your lane if you want to enjoy lasting fame.
18Be the inspiration others need
Mentoring others is a must for anyone who wants to stay relevant for a long time.
19Subdue your stage (seize your moment)
Be the master at what you do. Don’t just be popular, be the authority on that field.
20Learn to deal with opposition and ride on them
One of the challenges of fame is opposition. The more famous you are, the more opposition you will have to deal with.
21Control the future
Those who get involved in the creation of the future never lose relevance.
22Quiz 3